New Year, New Career?
For many, January 1st is the beginning of a New Year’s resolution and a fresh start. A new career often lies high on the resolution list, so during the first calendar month jobseekers are habitually out in full force, whether its professionals looking to take the next step up the career ladder, or the unemployed looking to get back on market, the first calendar month always marks a strong hiring period.
Though January brings more vacancies, further budget, and greater optimism from Organisations in the Print & Packaging Industries, it also brings a lot of competition to the job market. It is vitally important that you stand out from the crowd during this busy period, so for Candidates looking to change careers in the New Year, the preparation begins now.
Make the Most of December
Obtaining a new career can take time and the process often seems daunting, so being proactive, organised and positive during the month of December has huge advantages for Candidates. To kick-start your career in the New Year, focus on the following before 2016 arrives:
- Reflect on your current key skills, experiences and successes.
- Update your CV and LinkedIn profile.
- Brush up on your interviewing skills.
- Ensure your Social Media profiles are professional and suitable for employers to see (or make them private).
- Register with Blayze Unguem!
(For tips please see ‘The Blayze Unguem Guide to Writing the Perfect Résumé‘ or ‘The Blayze Unguem Guide to Interview Success‘).
Get in Touch
With direct and very relevant working experience within your industry and in many cases your role, the Consultants at Blayze Unguem are in a unique position to offer career advice, or an overview of your potential next career move after this festive period, and we will always work on your behalf to source you the best and most appropriate career opportunities that meet with your expectations and exceed your aspirations.
Many Companies recognise that there are huge benefits in being able to ‘hit the ground running’ by having new personnel in place ready for when the New Year commences, so to banish the January blues and start 2016 as you mean to go on, contact one of our specialist Consultants on 0345 11 22 828 or at