
So the CV got you in the door, but that’s just the start of it. The face to face interview is where you ‘clinch the deal’. Interviewing well can sometimes be more important than actual relevant career experience. Often, the person who interviews best is offered the role over the person with the more relevant career experience.

Build rapport as quickly as possible. Be professional, but it’s good to be friendly too. You want to give the interviewer a ‘good feeling’ about you. Use good manners and good English. Do not use slang and under no circumstances should you ever swear in an interview, even if the interviewer does.

Be positive and enthusiastic throughout. Enthusiasm can sometimes compensate for lack of experience. Answer questions precisely and concisely. Never speak for more than two or three minutes without further prompt. Follow the interviewer’s lead, but try to get the interviewer to describe the position and duties to you fairly early in the interview so that you can then relate your background and skills in context. Be specific, concrete, and detailed in your answers. The more information you volunteer, the better the employer gets to know you. Answer questions as truthfully and as frankly as you can. The interviewer may steer the interview into ticklish political or social questions – answer honestly, trying not to say more than is necessary.


This is your chance to really ‘sell’ yourself and your skills and experience. Don’t answer questions with just a “yes” or “no” Listen carefully to the interviewer and the questions and don’t interrupt. If you don’t fully understand a question or aren’t sure what exactly is being asked, it’s better to ask the interviewer for clarification before trying to answer End the interview positively so you leave a favourable impression in the employer’s mind. Tell the interviewer you have enjoyed meeting them, that you’ve been very impressed by what you’ve seen today and that you would be very interested in taking it to the next stage.

Additional Links

The Blayze Unguem Guide to Interview Success – Part 1 of 7 

The Blayze Unguem Guide to Interview Success – Part 2 of 7 – Do Your Homework 

The Blayze Unguem Guide to Interview Success – Part 3 of 7 – Preparing For the Day

The Blayze Unguem Guide to Interview Success – Part 4 of 7 – On the Day

For further advice and detailed interview insight, please look out for ‘The Blayze Unguem Guide to Interview Success – Part 6 of 7′, or contact one of our specialist Consultants on 0345 11 22 828, at info@blayze-unguem.com or drop us a message via our contact form and we will get back to you.