Is December the New January?
For many professionals January 1st is the beginning of a New Year’s resolution and a fresh start for all. A new career often lies high on the resolution list, so during the first calendar month jobseekers are habitually out in full force. Appreciating this opportunity to access increasingly scarce talent, many Organisations across the Print & Packaging arena perceive that January is the ultimate time to start a recruitment drive. We at Blayze Unguem however, argue that this is not necessarily the best time to hire new talent.
Knowing the most effective time of year to hire staff can be very advantageous,. Though it may seem that there is an apparent increase in the number of skilled Candidates during the beginning of the new calendar year and that the final months of the year have a tendency to be slower for new hires, there are a growing number of benefits to bringing your recruitment plans forward. In these ever-changing industries competition for high-calibre Candidates is high, so it is crucial that Companies plan ahead.
4 reasons to launch your recruitment drive in December:
• Fewer Competitors
It’s likely that your competitors will have recruitment at the top of their agenda in January, so if you also leave the hiring process until the start of the New Year, you increase the chances of your competition snapping up the interested/available, well-qualified talent before you do. With many hiring in January, it gives Candidates the choice between numerous employers, however, recruiting in December means that you are less likely to be fighting for talent.
• Seize the Best Candidates – Fast!
Last year, LinkedIn revealed that 85% of the world’s workforce considered themselves to be passive Candidates, with 45% admitting to be ‘totally open’ to considering new opportunities when approached by a Recruiter.
So what does this mean? To discover these passive Candidates you have to look all year round, and that includes during the festive period. With a notable skills shortage in numerous areas of the Print and Packaging Industries, you have to find and hire the best talent fast…and there’s no time like the present!
• Hiring Managers are Available
For many Organisations, December brings fewer arranged meetings, both onsite and offsite, in addition to a slightly reduced workload. Consequently, hiring managers are typically more readily available to take their time reviewing Candidates and going through the recruitment/interview process, ensuring the very best talent is hired for their Business.
• Begin 2016 Prepared
The New Year always brings numerous challenges and opportunities for Print and Packaging Companies, and we’re sure that 2016 will be no different. Progressive Organisations recognise that there are huge benefit in being able to ‘hit the ground running’ by having your new personnel in place ready for when the New Year commences.
Studies demonstrate that today there is less holiday-related downtime in the recruitment process than ever before. December marks the perfect time for your Organisation to focus it’s recruitment plans to full advantage, ensuring that you start the New Year ahead with exceptional individuals, whilst your competition treats the month as one for sitting back and relaxing.
If you agree that December is the new January and you would like a confidential discussion regarding how our services can help you enhance the strength and performance of your Business this festive period, please contact us on 0345 11 22 828, at, or drop us a message via our contact form and we will get back to you.